The list of YouTube channels that you can watch during social distancing- #stayathome

Hello, it's been a while since we post something here. Yes, I know that a lot of our recent posts start with that beautiful sentence, but now I hope we'll be here for much longer. And along with our little comeback, there are a few changes on the blog and I'll address some of them really quick.

First of all, the biggest change of all: the language. You might ask why and there are a few reasons. As we look at the statistics of our blog, we clearly see that most of our readers are not from Poland. I'm not gonna repeat, Z already talked about that, but we just want to reach more to our current audience and maybe some new readers. Not only here on blogger, but on other social media as well. But of course, if you will, there is our good, old friend Google Translator available in the menu bar on the left side of the screen, so you can understand all the posts.
 The second reason is more personal and much simpler. I just want to practice my English. I'm studying in the UK right now... I mean not right now... I'm stuck in my house in Poland for the past week because of the virus, but I just want to improve my language skills for academic reasons. And the last thing. I just like writing in English. It's fun. And I'm very bored so I need some fun.

Ok, we get passed that official stuff, now it's time for real business. What to do when we must stay home in those crazy times. I honestly would never expect this to happen. I'll tell you, for me, 2020 was really quite a year even without the global pandemic. That was just a cherry on top of the cake. I needed to really quickly evacuate from my accommodation, fly back to Poland and now I'm locked in a house without Wi-fi, which is the biggest tragedy in that story. However, the lack of Internet access and the quarantine made me realise that I have a lot of time to do something useful. Z did a post about some activities and advises so I'll leave a link here if you want to check it out:

In my case when I'm sitting home and I'm bored, YT is the website I go to. I've been spending hours on YT and I really mean HOURS of watch time. That's why I have over 200 subscriptions on my channel, but still, I'm very selective. I have high standards and if I find too many videos that are not interesting to me on one channel I just simply unsubscribe. Harsh, but that is how I have a very good selection of amazing and interesting creators  I split list for a few categories:

~Personal grow~
~ Other fun channels~

~ Art~

cup of jasmien

This channel is so beautiful. Except for art-related topic, you can find there a lot of travel, lifestyle and beauty videos. It's very aesthetically pleasing and you can find there so much motivation and inspiration. I love to watch her vlogs as well. I find them very interesting and so calming. Her videos are in general so cute and well-made. ♡
And here are some of my favourite videos:

Jim Reno

cheyenne barton

I looove watching this channel. You can learn so much about doodling, making illustrations by hand and on the iPad.  There is something for everybody who wants to learn. 
You probably noticed that one of my favourite things to do is looking for inspiration. I'm using that word way too much, but what can I do, I love it, So on Cheyenne channel, you can find so many videos about ideas for sketchbooks and bullet journals. Here are some examples:. 

~ Lifestyle~

linh truong

The bliss bean



~ Photography~

Peter McKinnon 

Because I'm very passionate about photography I was looking for a good guide to learn more about the topic. I was looking through some basic "How to set up a camera". " How to find inspiration" etc. and I found him. He is such a passionate and full of positive energy person. I found so much inspiration just by watching him talking about what he loves.   

Sorelle Amore

~ Personal grow~

Nathaniel Drew 

Alivia D'Andrea 


~ Fashion~




Naomi Jon



Edward Avila

Sarah Cheung

~ Other fun channels~

Ellen and Brian 

Kennedy Walsh 


Holly Gabrielle

Anncy Twinkle

Anncy Twinkle


Okej, finally, we are at the end of that very long list. I hope that you'll find something new and interesting. I tried to put a variety of different channels, so you can have a choice or you can just binge-watch all of them. We have some free time after all. I for example just have started a Spring break and I don't have any classes so I'm just sitting in my room bored. But it's important to sit inside. Hope all of you are healthy and safe. Have a nice evening. ~G.